Friday, August 21, 2020


by Bob Walsh

I went out yesterday morning to get my paper and I could smell the smoke heavily.  It was like my next door neighbor was burning all the weeds in South Stockton in his yard at one time.  There are 356 wild fires burning in the formerly great state of California as I write this.  Ten of them are quite large.

Wednesday evening they evacuated non-essential personnel from Travis AFB.  The night before, at about 3 a.m., the cops went thru parts of Vacaville telling people to evacuate IMMEDIATELY.  Kind of jarring.  

CalFire is having trouble with allocation of resources, because resources are very thin.  You will no doubt be happy to know that the state does, however, have adequate money to fund state-paid legal defense against deportation for undocumented Democrats in the state.  Ins't that special?


Dave Freeman said...

Ya Bob, and that Bullet Train oughta be ready to go in a couple years. Ain't California Great?

bob walsh said...

Maybe the freaking bullet train will catch fire. Not that it actually exists yet.