Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Bob Walsh is a regular contributor to PACOVILLA Corrections blog. He often writes with biting humor and is not shy about expressing politically incorrect views, traits we both share. Bob added the following comments to my posting of WHY OUR PRISON POPULATION IS DISPROPORTIONATELY BLACK (11-9-10). I thought that Bob’s insightful comments about the black underclass merited a separate posting on my blog.
By Bob Walsh
This country now has a more or less permanent underclass, mostly but not exclusively black. It is characterized by being undereducated, antisocial and criminal. They are mostly state raised with an absent father. They commit crimes because their family and peer group are criminals.

They view themselves as "gangsters", as Robin Hood without the tights but with hoodies and sagging jeans showing 5" of underwear. They become sexually active young, doing their best to show their manhood by knocking up as many young girls as they can, with no regard for who pays the bills. Some have three children by three different girls before they get out of high school. The only reason they go to school is to meet girls, certainly not to get an education. They are told by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton that all the bad crap that has happened to them isn't their fault, and they believe it, because it is convenient.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are both the worst sort of poverty pimps and Jesse is a shake down artist to boot. If most of the problems in the black community went away tomorrow both of those leeches would be out of work and have to get honest jobs. Hell, Al might even have to pay that judgement against those cops he slandered [in the 1987 Tawana Brawley hoax]. As it is he can hide his assets as belonging to the "church" and not him.

50 years ago the black illegitimate birth rate was much lower than that of whites. Not so any more thanks to three generations of government largess and places like Oakland teaching "Ebonics" so that their students don't have to learn standard English and are thus mostly unemployable.

It will keep happening until the black community starts realizing that believing it when people tell them that they can't get ahead without help from Jesse, Al or government programs is self-destructive.

Black people are not stupid or incapable. They need to collectively get their act together or there will be another 50 years of only 25% high school graduation and more young black men in prison than in college.

1 comment:

Centurion said...

Can't argue with that. Not very PC, but right on the money, Great article Bob.