Thursday, May 19, 2011


As President Obama continues to reach out to the Muslim world, it is downright disgusting to see how he keeps sucking up to a part of the world that has a very strong dislike for America and, no matter what Obama does, will keep right on disliking us.

In his latest speech to the Muslim world, Obama called on the State of Israel to commit suicide.

Obama called on Israel to pull back to the borders that existed before the 1967 war. That would require Israel to give up every inch of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It would force several hundred thousand Israeli Jews out of their homes and leave the Jewish state with indefensible borders. Under those conditions, Israel would be left with a border that is less than nine miles wide at its narrowest.

No president of the United States, Republican or Democrat, has ever called on Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders. Every president, except Obama, has recognized that Israel is surrounded by enemies that have vowed to wipe it off the map, and that includes Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and his ‘moderate’ Fatah faction.

If Israeli prime minister Binjamin Netanyahu has any balls, he will tell President Obama to take a flying leap!

Despite his phony declarations of friendship for Israel and empty promises of an 'ironclad' commitment to its security, Obama has finally exposed himself as a true enemy of Israel. AND THE SAME GOES FOR ANY AMERICAN JEW WHO CONTINUES TO SUPPORT OBAMA, NOW THAT HE’S AS MUCH AS THROWN ISRAEL UNDER THE BUS.

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