Friday, December 25, 2015


By Bob Walsh

The grandson of Oakland City Council President (city councils have presidents?) was shot to death Sunday afternoon on Mandela Parkway in the crime-ridden and gang-infested shithole of Oakland (CA).

Torian Hughes became a bullet catcher about 1340 hours and died shortly after in a local hospital. The young man was a student in an independent study program at the time of his murder, rather than being in attendance at a more traditional and structured high school.

The city of Oakland has been actively looking at increased “gun safety” measures within the city. Oakland has had 83 homicides this year, more or less the same as last year.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to “support the family” with a goal of $7,000. They are more than half-way there.

The City Council President, Lynette Gibson McElhaney, is said to be an outspoken advocate of gun safety. Typically that means that a politician is a fan of forced unilateral personal disarmament of law abiding citizens, but you never know. It could actually mean what it says.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oakland. What a shithole.