Friday, September 29, 2017


by Bob Walsh

For those of you who are not involved in public employee unions, this is the skinny on this. A LOT of public employee gigs are mandatory union jobs. The unions use a significant amount of the money they collect for the support of political causes which the membership may not necessarily agree with. There is an opt-out provision but those employees who choose to not be members (meaning full voting members) still pay an AGENCY FEE which is very nearly 100% of the standard membership fee. Supposedly this deducts out the political portion of the fee. Nobody really believes this is an accurate representation of what is actually going on.

SCOTUS has just announced that they will here the Mark Janus case out of Illinois. Last year the court looked at a similar California case but the death of Antonin Scalia left the court deadlocked, meaning the lower court ruling stands. Neil Gorsuch is now on the court and is not expected to be warm and fuzzy towards mandatory union fees. SEIU and the Teachers Association are already screaming like mashed cats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The days of the big unions are pretty much over. I'm glad.