Friday, January 12, 2018


by Bob Walsh

It seems that the CA D O J managed to get the now required ammunition seller's licenses out just a few days after the required New Year deadline.

It is still unclear how the system for tracking ammunition BUYERS, which is supposed to kick in later this year, is going to work. They are still bouncing shit off the wall and seeing what sticks.

Just another brick in the wall of opposition to legitimate, legal firearms owners and shooters in the formerly great state of California.


Anonymous said...

So if a California resident drove out of state and bought a firearm what good is this law?

bob walsh said...

Like most feel-good laws it inhibits people who are inclined to obey the law and doesn't bother in the slightest those who are not.

Dave Freeman said...

Bob, I keep telling ya. Sell you house and move out here to Arizona. Heck, I even let my retired ID/CCW permit lapse. Out here, you don't no stinking permit to carry, concealed or otherwise. . Not only that, but I still have several (gasp) 15 round magazines for my glock. No big deal out here.