by Bob Walsh
The local constabulary in Stockton, CA responded to an assault complaint on Saturday. It seems that a 17-year old boy had beat the crap out of his pregnant sister. The cops showed up. The suspect was uncooperative and kicked one of the cops in the crotch. It went downhill from there.
As they cops dragged the suspect from the house "numerous" family members came from the house, not unlike a plague of locust, and attempted to forcibly remove the young man from police custody. That, boys and girls, is the legal definition of lynching in the formerly great state of California. The cops went into defensive mode and backup arrived. The little bastard was hauled away and charged. The investigation into the actions of the family is ongoing.
I can't imagine where the little bastard learned that it is OK to beat up your pregnant sister. Then again, maybe I can. Talk about shallow end of the gene pool. That must be a very broad, shallow gene pool.
It's the breakdown of the traditional family unit. I call it trash.
Of course it could be the brother was also the child's father, in which case it would simply be socially acceptable spousal abuse. Not as far-fetched as one might think.
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