Sunday, January 14, 2018


By Trey Rusk

Running Code 3
January 12, 2018

There is no doubt in my mind that President Donald Trump called Haiti a Shithole. Trump called them what they are. I wish President Trump were a little more statesman like, but he isn't. I think that's one of the reasons he was elected. He has a gruff manner but he gets things accomplished.

The U.S. has sent money, troops, doctors and infrastructure builders to Haiti on many occasions. Earth quakes, hurricanes and political insurrection by the citizens has seen billions of U.S. dollars go to Haiti with nothing to show for it. The Clintons said they sent a lot of money to Haiti after the earthquake to rebuild the country. What happened to it?

Haiti has always been a corrupt country. Most of the aid it has received winds up in the pockets of whatever dictator is in charge. It has always been a major drug hub to the U.S. and is run by gangs. It's infant mortality rate is among the worst in the world and the Haitians live in their own garbage which is thrown in rivers to be swept out to sea.

One of the main reasons I'm against the immigration of Haitians is that the people don't even try to make their own country a better place to live.

When I see the people of Haiti really trying to help themselves, I might have a change of heart.

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