Saturday, October 20, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Terry James Albury, 39, used to be an Agent of the F.B.I. He is now going to be a guest of the people for 4 years.

Albury was convicted for stealing and leaking 70 documents, some of which were classified as SECRET and had national security ramifications.

His defense shysters asked for probation, asserting that Albury was "morally conflicted" by the FBI counterterrorism policy that he regarded as racial profiling.

One of the things that Jeff Sessions has been doing right is pursuing leakers. He has cranked up these investigations by more than triple when compared to the Eric Holder justice department.

He did plead guilty to two counts. Under the federal rules he will do 85% of the sentence. I wonder how employable a sacked FBI agent who leaked classified documents is? I suppose he could always get a job as an asphalt worker. I remember doing the backgrounds for a crew that came in to go over our parking lot at the prison. EVERY employee was an ex-con, including the office staff. Maybe it's a union requirement.

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