Juarez: Tortured while in police custody, identified as La Linea hitman
By Chivis Martinez
Borderland Beat
October 18, 2018
Sources within the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM) revealed that the person seen in a video being tortured by one of the Coordinators of the Municipal Police, is Rogelio Celaya Maynez, presumed member of the criminal group 'La Línea'.
This morning he was arrested after an attack on elements of the State Police, outside a house of exchange of Ramacoi Ave, a few meters from De las Torres Ave.
In the video that was sent anonymously to El Diario, the alleged hit man is interrogated under torture by Commander Armengol, while he is trying to extract information in relation to people and places where weapons are kept.
The police chief kept a plastic bag placed on the head of the man, who was not yet identified in the video.
According to the anonymous message, the torture occurred in one of the rooms located in the back.
It is the same bathroom where detainees are routinely tortured, according to the agent who distributed the material.
Family members went to look for him at SSPM but they refused information and they even threatened them.
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