Tuesday, January 01, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Eureka, CA. is a very nice place. I have family there and have visited several times. It is also a college town. They just cancelled their Women's March due to concerns that the event was "overwhelmingly White."

Humbolt County is about 74% White, 12% Hispanic, 6 % AMI, 2% Asian and 1% Black.

The event WAS going to take place on January 19th. They are still planning on a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event on January 21st.

The Women's Day march in Chicago was also cancelled, but that was (allegedly) due to the organizers putting so much time, effort and money getting people to the polls back in November. I guess paying walking around money to all those poll watchers and precinct walkers adds up.

I guess the university needs to recruit more Black-Chinese Jewish lesbians to balance out their card. Life is hard.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Black-Chinese Jewish lesbians? You anti-Semite!


Trey Rusk said...

Black-Chinese Jewish lesbians? I don't think they exist. Even in California.

bob walsh said...

Probably not. The few Jewish lesbians I know are Anglo in appearance. My other favorite possibly non-existent subgroup is left-handed Lithuanian lesbians.