Tuesday, April 02, 2019


Brexit Chapter 984

by Bob Walsh

One of the things being kicked around in the House of Commons is kicking the can backward down the road. Specifically a few people have proposed an "exit plan referendum" which would (presumably) include a decision to not bail out after all.

Nobody seems to think that Theresa May will still be the P.M. in two weeks. Allegedly-supposedly the drop dead date is April 12 for a plan. At that time under the current law and rules the U. K. will no longer be part of the E. U. UNLESS parliament comes up with and approves an exit plan before then which also must be approved by ALL of the remaining 27 members of the E.U. Even if that happens the exit is supposed to happen not later than May 22, because on May 23 the E. U. holds elections.

OMG, what a cluster-fuck.

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