Wednesday, April 17, 2019


But It Is Not As Lame As You Might Think

by Bob Walsh

Lombad Street is generally conceded to be the crookedest street in America. It is a major tourist attraction. So many people want to see it and drive down it that the people who actually live there can often not access their own homes.

The street is so crooked the Fire Department has a special fire engine for this road only as their regular rigs can not negotiate the switchback turns.

The road, which is only 600 feet long, draws 6,000 visitors a day. The current plan is to charge a toll of from $5 to $10 to drive down the road, depending on what day it is.

The slope of the road from top to bottom is 27 degrees. Back in 1922 when the road was built the cars at the time could not climb it in a straight shot, hence the switchbacks.

The proposal will require a change in state law. It seems likely to be approved.


Dave Freeman said...

Lots of private residences on that street. I wonder how that will work out.

Back in '73 I was assigned to the 6th US Army Headquarters Protocol Bureau at the San Francisco Presidio. We provided transportation to generals and distinguished visitors to the post. We had 7 or 8 or ten staff cars and one twelve passenger extended limo. (I'll bet you already know where I'm going with this). Yup. One of our guys thought it would be a good idea to drive a delegation from South Korea down that section of Lombard street.

It didn't work out too well.

bob walsh said...

By the way, that is Lombard St. Typo. My bad.