Monday, December 23, 2019


by Bob Walsh

I happened to catch Senator Graham on one of the Sunday shows yesterday. He announced his intention to call in front of his committee everybody who signed off on any of the four Carter Page FISA warrants and try to figure out just what the hell was going on there. He also said that he saw a "disconnect" between former CIA chief Brennan's statement that the Steele Report had virtually nothing to do with the FISA warrants and Horrowitz's statement that the FISA warrants could not have gone ahead without the Steele Report.

He also said that he personally believed that it was likely that President Obama was at least "in the loop" on the whole thing and broadly implied that he could have been directing the operation against Trump. I can't imagine he would be able to prove it even if it is true (and I suspect it is) but wouldn't it be a hoot if he could?

He also said "Impeachment is a dead cat. They ought to quit playing with it and bury it."

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