Thursday, January 02, 2020


Yes Dorothy, The New Python Is Real

by Bob Walsh

The New And Improved Colt Python is in fact real. It does look a lot like the old one, with a vent rib barrel. It will, for now, be available as a 4 1/4" and 6' stainless steel version. It is somewhat beefier and uses stronger steel. It still uses a v-leaf spring but the lock work is completely different and is allegedly very smooth right out of the box. It also uses a frame mounted firing pin rather than a hammer mounted one. The front sight is user interchangeable and the rear sight is "better." MSRP is $1500. They are cropping up on various web sites from $1400 to $1900. I assume it uses MIM internals but I don't know that for a fact.

It will no doubt be a long time before they make their way to California, at which time I will definitely check one out. Maybe they will be available in 3" blue steel by then.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

I saw the review. Looks nice as highly polished stainless steel. Reviewer says it has even a better trigger pull than the original.