Saturday, July 01, 2023


By Bob Walsh



Yes, bounty hunters still exist.  They are technically called bail recovery agents and their job is to gaffle up bail jumpers and return them to court for legal process, thereby protecting the bond issuers money.  Effective today their operating rules change in CA, due mostly to an issue involving an "illegal' bounty hunter back in 2021.

Under the new law (AB2043) bail agents must have a personal license issued by the CA Dept. of Insurance, rather than just operating as an agent or employee of the bond issuer.

License holders must complete a 20-hour educational program, a 40 hour powers of arrest course (in CA called PC832) which is structured by POST, submit fingerprints for a background check, pay a $1,000 bond, submit a document attesting to their appointment by a bail agent or surety insurer, and have a $1 million liability insurance policy.     

Many bail bond operators are squawking about the $1 million liability insurance.  

It is not clear whether there will be some sort of formal appeal of these requirements, or even if paid bail will still exist in CA after 2024.  The government (Democrat-Socialist government) is trying very hard in CA to eliminate the cash bail requirement in CA.  The matter will likely be settled at the ballot box next year.

1 comment:

Trey. said...

This may be a good idea. We've had some incidents where Bounty Hunters have caused harm to families while chasing scofflaws. IMHO, they should be educated and insured.