I was a confused teenage boy who had transgender surgery to become a woman aged 19, it 'destroyed' my life... four years later I'm back being a man
By Iwan Stone
Daily Mail
July 2, 2023
Daniel Black, pictured with his fiance Tereza, wants the transition surgery to be banned - and believes doctors should help people struggling with gender dysmorphia by offering them therapy
A man who transitioned to become a woman when he was just 19 has laid bare his pain and heartbreak following the decision that 'destroyed' his life.
Daniel Black, who is now 23, says he 'misses his genitals every day' after he took the drastic step to have transgender surgery before he had even reached 20 years old.
The salon-owner is one of a growing number of people who have decided to detransition after life-changing surgery or hormone drugs.
Daniel decided to become a woman after bullies at school made him doubt his masculinity and sexual orientation.
He claims that at just 17 he was given hormonal treatment following a 30 minute consultation - in which he also started planning to surgically remove his penis.

Daniel Black, who is now 23, (pictured) decided to become a woman after bullying at school made him doubt his masculinity and sexual orientation

He claims that at just 17 he was given hormonal treatment following a 30 minute consultation - in which he also started planning surgically removing his penis

But just a year after his surgery the salon-owner began to regret his decision
But just a year after his surgery the hair stylist began to regret his decision and in January this year went through more operations to remove his breast implants and have his chest muscles reconstructed.
He now has to have testosterone artificially injected because his surgery made it impossible for him to create his own.
Now, Daniel, who is from the Czech Republic, is fighting to get his former identity back - because he is still considered a woman in the eyes of the country.
In December he became engaged, and he and his fianceé are hoping to help others who also feel they have made a mistake.
Speaking to MailOnline, he said: 'The surgery destroyed my life.
'I cannot orgasm, have children or lead a normal sex life and I miss my genitals every day.
'Me and my fianceé want to build a safe space for people who fell for the transgender trend.
'We want to prevent people from going through transition and help those who have already transitioned and now deal with regret.'
Daniel credits his fiancé Tereza with helping him to find himself again.
The pair started dating in a lesbian relationship when he was still a woman - and they say their strong bond has allowed them to get through his detransition.

He had the surgery at 19, alongside breast implants and lip fillers. He changed his name - Daniel was now Daniela

Daniel - who suffered intense homophobic bulling while he was at school - said that cruel classmates mocked his gentle behaviour, making him doubt his own sexuality. Pictured: Aged 16
While Daniel cannot have an orgasm and says his sensitivity is only a third of what it used to be they say their sex life has not suffered - although he is hoping to get a transplanted penis in an experimental surgery that will help him feel complete again.
Although Tereza says she originally found his detransition 'extremely hard', she threw herself behind it when she saw the freedom it was bringing him.
He continued: 'At the beginning of our relationship I didn't know what my role was supposed to be. She is a biological woman and I was playing the role of a fake one.
'It was weird for me during those first months. I wouldn't have detransitioned if I was in a relationship with a man.
'Thanks to her I was able to go back to being who I really am.
'But it's hard - for the first time in forever I am not acting or hiding behind a mask, I am honest about who I am and it's utterly terrifying. Terrifying and liberating.
'I'm happier now than ever before. Transition was the biggest mistake of my life and I hope I can prevent at least a few people from making that mistake too.'
Daniel - who suffered intense homophobic bulling while he was at school - said that cruel classmates mocked his gentle behaviour, making him doubt his own sexuality.
He says his mother - a Jehovah's Witness - made him feel like his body was disgusting.

He says his mother - a Jehovah's Witness - made him feel like his body was disgusting. Pictured: Aged 23

Daniel now runs a salon with his fianceé Tereza

Daniel credits his fiance Tereza with helping him to find himself again
Growing up as a teenager in fear of the religion, he blamed his penis for his hormones and sexual urges.
Sure he would never be able to get a girlfriend, he started sleeping with boys when he was 16 and came out as transgender a year later.
He continued: 'Growing up, I was a very soft boy. I lacked confidence and thought my classmates were right about me being gay.
'I was never attracted to men's bodies but I liked the image of them hurting me during sex in a way a woman never could. I had strong masochistic tendencies.
'They made me believe that I would never be able to get a girlfriend. So I let them convince me I was homosexual.
'I was miserable when I was dating men - they disgusted me. But for me there was no other option at that time.'
It was at 17 that Daniel had a consultation with a specialist - who he claims called him an obvious case of transsexuality.
After just half an hour he walked out with a prescription for HRT and had started planning his bottom surgery.

In January this year he went through further operations to remove his breast implants and have his chest muscles reconstructed

Growing up as a teenager in fear of hisreligion, he blamed his penis for his hormones and sexual urges. Pictured: Left, aged 16, and right, aged 23
He had the surgery at 19, alongside breast implants and lip fillers. He changed his name - Daniel was now Daniela.
In the UK, the NHS faced outrage after the Tavistock gender clinic prescribed puberty blockers to more than a thousand children who were questioning their gender - and many of whom were under 16.
The London-based clinic was told to shut last year after a review by Dr Hilary Cass found it left young people at 'considerable risk' of poor mental health.
It is due to close in May 2024, to be replaced by two regional hubs in the north and south of the country.
Speaking of the clinic, Daniel said: 'It is good that the NHS decided to shut it down. This is insane.
'It's crazy that doctors and specialists provide children with this experimental treatment instead of offering them extensive psychotherapy.
'These people then have to live with drastic lifelong consequences.'
In the years that followed, Daniel lived as a woman - with a flock of potential partners finding him attractive, they didn't mind when he revealed he was transgender.

Although Tereza says she originally found his detransition 'extremely hard', she threw herself behind it when she saw the freedom it was bringing him

After six years of hormonal treatment Daniel stopped injecting himself with estrogen in January
But just a year after the surgery he was already regretting his decision, and says he attempted suicide several times while living as a woman.
Speaking about the time, he continued: 'I felt like I was playing a role, a role that I was faking - which is obviously exactly what every trans person does but they mostly don't think of it that way.
'I had to learn how to talk like a woman, how to walk like one and how to move my hands and fingers like women do.
'I liked the attention, that was the main plus for me. I also loved all the treatments I was undergoing, like lip fillers, microblading of the eyebrows, false lashes, long acrylic nails, pedicure etc.
'I was planning to undergo a lot of plastic surgeries like facelift, nose job etc. Now I'm glad I didn't go through any of that.
'The transition didn't solve anything, it only made everything worse and it was killing me.
'I tried to kill myself on several occasions. I was miserable.
'In the beginning of this year I knew that there were only two options for me - go through a detransition or die.

Further surgery has removed Daniel's implants - but he is having to look into experimental surgery in the hope of getting a new penis
I knew that my transition was a mistake and I made peace with it. I figured out that there is nothing better for my mental and physical health than simply being what I really am - a man.
'I figured out that my life wasn't as ruined as I used to think it was and that there truly is a way back.'
After six years of hormonal treatment Daniel stopped injecting himself with estrogen in January.
He has had to be injected with artificial testosterone - because his bottom surgery removed his testes and with it any way of producing the hormone naturally. He now feels his strength, facial hair and energy returning.
Further surgery has removed Daniel's implants - but he is having to look into experimental surgery in the hope of getting a new penis.
He wants the transition surgery to be banned - and believes doctors should help people struggling with gender dysmorphia by offering them therapy.
He added: 'Transsexuality should be treated with extensive psychotherapy. Doctors never ask their patients why they think they are transgender.
'In most cases, transsexuals suffer from other mental illnesses like depression, body dysmorphia and often even borderline personality disorder.
'Transgenderism is a widely accepted trend and many people completely ignore the obvious problems with it.
'In its definition, transgenderism and trans propaganda carry signs typically associated with dangerous cults.
'Children should never be exposed to it, it will only confuse them and make them doubt their own identity.'
Strange how the pro-trans crowd don't mention the horribly high (about 30%) I WISH I HADN'T DONE THAT number of people who actually had the surgery. Clearly the screening standard, such as it is, needs a lot of work.
He likes cats so clearly there is SOMETHING wrong with him.
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