Cool Las Vegas temperatures debunk global warming hysteria
The progressive Left has spent decades hyperventilating that warming caused by excessive carbon emissions is going to kill us all.

Sounds scary. Only it didn't happen. That tweet was from June 21, 2018. To paraphrase Monty Python, "We aren't dead yet." She has since deleted the tweet.
The alarmists have two go-to responses when it's colder than they predicted. They either ignore it or claim it's the result random weather patterns. After all, temperatures vary from year to year. Cool temperatures or heavy snowstorms are just abnormal weather events that can't be used to disprove a broader trend.
That's true. Yet global warming has become an unfalsifiable thesis. Data points that don't fit the narrative are dismissed. Then Democrats and the national media, but I repeat myself, use high temperatures as indisputable evidence that we're in the midst of a crisis. Just look at the national media's coverage of Texas's current heat wave.
"Climate change is causing heat waves to be more intense, longer-lasting and more likely to occur," Axios wrote in its report on the Texas temperatures.
"Studies have shown that climate change is making heat waves both more frequent and more intense," NBC News reported in its coverage of the Texas heat.
Sure was thoughtful of Mr. Climate Crisis to give Las Vegas a record-setting reprieve from those heat waves.
But if individual weather events can be used as evidence for global warming, then they can also be used to test the theory's validity. You can't have it both ways. At least if your goal is to use logic and evidence to defend your theory.
But global warming has long since gone from scientific inquiry to a vehicle useful for promoting leftist policy preferences. For instance, if fossil fuel usage is going to wipe out humanity, why do so many environmentalists oppose nuclear power? For that matter, why do they work so hard to stop lithium mining in Nevada? It's so much easier to smear someone as a "denier" than to answer questions like that.
Most global warming alarmists aren't interested in debating the merits of their doomsday claims or radical solutions. They wrap themselves in the veneer of scientific authority, but what they demand is blind faith. Who are you going to believe? The experts or your lying thermometer?
More gloomy news from Biden! White House says it's open to plan that would BLOCK sunlight from hitting surface of the Earth in bid to limit global warming
Daily Mail
July 1, 2023

President Joe Biden has indicated he is open to an audacious 'geoengineering' plan to block sunlight from the Earth, which some scientists warn could have devastating side effects.
The plan would be used to cool the surface temperature of the earth and fight global warming.
In a report released Friday by the White House, several ways authorities could look to carry out the process, known as 'solar radiation modification', were noted, all of which come with potentially devastating consequences if they backfire.
However, the administration added a note of skepticism to the report by noting that Congress ordered it, insisting it has not made any decision on 'geoengineering' policy.
1 comment:
Setting up straw men and nonexistent hobgoblins as an excuse to try to convince the weak minded and fearful to grant more and more power to the government in order to "protect us" is a time-honored tactic. It is a time-honored tactic because it often works. The fact that the fear-mongering is quite often demonstrable bullshit doesn't matter to some, perhaps even many. The sheep all bleat "save us, please save us" without any indication that the wolf is real, the proposition that the wolf MIGHT BE real is enough for many. It is truly sad so many people are so gullible.
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