Tuesday, August 22, 2023


By Bob Walsh

Dick's Sporting Goods has had it rough lately.  They got a lot of heat by being one of the first to roll over and pee on themselves with the assault weapons issues.  Now, something else.  Their stock is dropping like a rock today, something like 22%, because when they released their numbers it seems that they are getting beaten to death by "shrinkage" (theft).  

In the old days a high percentage of the shrinkage was internal theft.  Now days it is virtually all "customer" theft.  In many locations there is zero or almost zero penalty for thievery as long as the amount is kept relatively low, in many places under $750-1,000 and all you get is the equivalent of a citation.  Even if you bother to show up in court nothing of consequence is likely to happen to the thieves.  

Retail is getting to be a very rough row to hoe.

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