I am absolutely, incredibly, utterly amazed that political pundits are absolutely, incredibly, utterly amazed that President Donald Trump won Iowa.
I am absolutely, incredibly, utterly amazed that political pundits are absolutely, incredibly, utterly amazed that Ramaswamy finally got out of the way.
As I have written dozens of times in this column, Trump will win the GOP nomination. It is not close, and it will not be close. And I am proud to support him for president — again.
America has been the greatest country in the world, certainly since World War I. I am not a Europe fan. More or less, as a Jew, I despise the whole lot of them on that continent. They used Jews when they needed us and murdered or threw out Jews when they incorrectly thought they did not. I understand why Jews who live in their borders have to pay lip service to them, whether in Europe or elsewhere. I feel pity for those Jews: Jews in Iran who have to say that the Ayatollahs are good to them. Right. Nothing like a Jew having an Ayatollah for a buddy. Wanna compare yarmulkas and turbans, pal?
Or the poor, pitiful Jews of South Africa having to speak nicely about the descendants of cannibals who now are in charge of that high-murder, high-rape failed state. Yep, good ol’ South Africa. Great to live there. Sure. I hope the Jews there wear T-shirts that say “Warning: My skin is not suitable for Vegan, Organic, or Keto diets.”
All of Europe. France? Don’t get me started. In 1242, they burned our Talmuds and original handwritten manuscripts of scholarship that are lost forever. It was before Gutenberg and Xerox; there were no copies. Maybe there was a volume there like Maimonides’s philosophy or his cardiological knowledge. Maybe a cure for cancer or bubonic plague that was coming soon to a cinema near them. All gone. They may speak a Romance language and have quiche and mousse. But they also lined up their own innocent people for the guillotine. In World War II, they could not stand up to Nazism, and they even found plenty of high-ranking Hitler-lovers to form a Vichy government. No thanks. Non, merci. They have a catchy national anthem? I prefer Merle. So much for their civilization.
Spain and Portugal burned us alive at the stake. England threw us out for 400 years and then, in the modern period, barred the gates of Palestine in Haifa harbor to Jewish refugees from Hitler, assuring their deaths in the millions. During their half-century of imperialist occupation, England barred Jews from defending themselves from Arab marauders and mass murderers. They even barred Jews from sounding the shofar at the Western Wall. They tore away land meant for the Jewish country and created a false notion of a “West Bank,” west of the Jordan River within Israel proper, a complete geographical fallacy. Anyone who has visited the “West Bank” has seen for themselves that 95 percent of Judea and Samaria are nowhere near any water to be denominated a “bank” of anything. All of Judea and Samaria was part of Israel until the British broke it off and created that “West Bank” fallacy in Jewish Judea and Samaria.
Mark my words: Just as I correctly predicted that Ramaswamy would be gone soon enough. Just as I predicted that Trump will be the Republican nominee. So it is that I write that the day will come when the “Palestinian Authority,” which never should have been created in the first place, will go down in rubble and disappear, and all that land will revert to Israeli sovereignty to create one unified land mass. From the River to the Sea, All of Israel Will Be Free. Again: From the River to the Sea, All of Israel Will Be Free. Gaza, too, in its time.
There has been only one truly great country in the entire world these past 150 years, the United States of America. And, really, a compelling argument can be made that this has been true since 1776. The rest of them who would pretend to be civilized are so only because they have followed America’s lead. Great Britain? Watch a movie about pre-America England. They always begin with a beheading. And they don’t chop off the heads of traitors. They chop off reasonably headed necks. The king wants to get rid of his wife. He chops off her head. In America, we file for divorce. A guy like Sir Thomas More speaks the truth. They chop off his head. In America, we just fire him as part of cancel culture. And they even speak English with an accent that is insufferable except when Douglas Murray speaks.
And the Brits are the best of the Second Tier. The rest? Those who have not followed America’s lead are, for all intents and purposes, cannibals as South Africans were and as some still are, and barbarians in suits. Putin? A barbarian in a suit. So is Xi. So is Mahmoud Abbas of the bogus “Palestinian Authority” in Judea and Samaria that one day will resume being part of Israel. If “clothing makes the man,” then a fine suit makes a barbarian or cannibal in a fine suit.
America was unique until Obama. Obama did not fulfill much. The rivers did not stop rising. The sun did not stop shining. But he was transformative in one key way: he made America mediocre. He hated America and was determined to cut down the White “privileged” class to size, even though Whites no longer were any more privileged than Blacks. If any privilege primarily predominated profoundly, affirmative action privileged Blacks. Job openings and federal programs privileged Blacks. Scholarships privileged Blacks. But Obama came in and propagated a lie that caught like a California wildfire because his accommodating left-wing mass media assisted him.
America’s great secret always was equal opportunity. It remained a step behind its fullest potential as long as it denied equal opportunity to some of her citizens: Italians, Irish, Germans, Asians, Jews, Hispanics, Blacks. But America got past it. By the 1980s, equal opportunity went without saying anymore. That is how Obama got into Columbia with whatever grades he had. That is how he got into Harvard Law with whatever grades he did or did not have. That is how he got to be the president of Harvard Law Review without ever publishing a law review article, something all but unheard of. He became a law professor, building on a resumé that was sketchy. Blacks in America had all the opportunity in the world by the 1980s.
Obama changed America to focus on equal outcomes. Not opportunity that entails great risk but offers enormous reward, but outcomes that guarantee mediocrity for everyone. The Brave New World of Equal Outcomes applies everywhere except in areas where Blacks excel, like professional basketball and football. Notice that there is no affirmative action or DEI or equal outcomes in NBA basketball. Why not? If there is DEI in medicine and medical school, where lives are at stake, in law firms and in Disney, in Hollywood and on Broadway — why not in the NBA? Why not open the NBA to more Orthodox Jews? There is not a single one, although there is one who is competitive. Why not more Irish? More Germans? More Italians? More Plain Whites? If Whites are 76 percent of America, why isn’t the NBA 76 percent White? The NFL?
Obama destroyed America. My generation grew up in the first era where Blacks were truly equal. While deeply conservative, I never looked upon Blacks as different from Whites except for noticing their skin color, just as blondes and red-heads draw notice for differing from brunettes, and blue eyes noticeably differ from hazels. I went to college and grad school with blacks. We were friends. We had different histories, different stories of persecution. If they preferred to have their slavery define them as Victims, OK. Whatever. My Jewish story of a Holocaust was not a story of victimhood but of knowing it happened and thus being ready for the next one. American Boy Scout motto: Be prepared. If antisemitism rears a head, smack it down quickly. If it gets out of control, turn to Israel and bomb it to rubble.
Otherwise, my Black friends and I were the same.
I practiced law with Blacks. We all had Black coworkers. We finally got it right as Americans.
And then Obama came — the beneficiary of that new America — and destroyed everything. I cannot predict with certainty the day he will die, but my readers of eight years know I am a pretty good prognosticator. I am not sure I ever have gotten a prediction wrong in eight years in this column. (Drop me a note if I ever have.) And I predict — here and now — that Obama will die on a Jewish holiday.
So I come to Trump. There is absolutely no one else on the horizon strong enough to — maybe — get things turned around and Make America Great Again. Trump #47 will be better than Trump 45 because he has been there, done that. He won’t lose two years with an attorney general more suited to antebellum America when a gentleman from Dixie could rise with elegance and meander. He won’t be fooled by the next Paul Ryan. Last time, he talked about draining the Swamp but had no idea how deep the Swamp was. None of us did. He knew the FBI was polluted, but no one knew how corrupt it is. The most patriotic of us always emphasized that we are condemning only James Comey and the Top Crooks, but not the brave and loyal men and women in the FBI ranks. Now we recognize that we honestly don’t know who in the FBI is on America’s side and who are the Swamp. Trump is the only candidate out there with experience as to how bad it is and with a personal stake in cleaning it up this time. If he does not, he will spend the rest of his life after his next term fighting indictments.
Trump knows he can get indicted every day somewhere else, while Hunter Biden walks on air, walks on water, and — bottom line — walks. Lock up Hillary? (Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up!) Heck, we can’t even lock up Hunter. Instead, that crook shame-facedly sells “paintings.” What genius crookery! Instead of taking bribes and pay-offs, sell paintings. Buy a pack of crayons: 32 in a box if charging under a million per painting, 64 in a box for more sophisticated renderings of Felix the Cat and a square — and sell for millions.
America so desperately needs to return to the pre-COVID Trump days: gasoline at $2.50 a gallon, food prices reasonable, almost no unemployment, booming economy, lowest unemployment numbers ever for Blacks and Hispanics, no foreign wars, demonstrable action on closing down the border and building the long-promised wall. He had the foresight to try keeping out immigrants from hate-America Arab and Muslim dirt holes. He had the insight on advancing normal education and supporting Israel and pro-America Arab Muslim regimes. He had Putin’s number, and we had no trouble with Pootie for four years: no wars, no invasions. No need for a big bright red “Reset” button. Just some quiet talk in the back rooms. He had the North Korea Doughboy’s number. He got the cheap, stingy, penny-pinching Europeans to pay up to NATO. He got death-grip sanctions in place against Iran.
What fair-minded American, without a personal political stake in this, would not want to return to those days? Remember how he obliterated Qasem Soleimani, leaving behind only a ring finger for a souvenir? Remember how he rubbed out Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Dead as a doorknob. Remember how he obliterated ISIS?
Can you imagine how quickly he would have pulverized the Houthis into Tutti-Fruitis if they shot missiles at our ships? If they dared under a Trump presidency — as if they even would. Instead, we got Biden with that disgraceful Afghanistan retreat, and allowing the Houthis to grow in power and actually close down Red Sea shipping. This is crazy: the freaking Houthis? They close down world shipping? We can’t stop them? We need an international “force” of wimps and wusses to stand with us to show how, all together, they cannot stop the Houthis? So we spend millions per anti-ballistic rocket to shoot down one of their $100 drones? Again and again, dozens and scores of million of dollars to knock down some drones they could have assembled from parts purchased at a Target or Walmart? How about a better idea: bomb all of Yemen into rubble.
Oh, I miss Trump. Indict him a dozen times, a hundred times, a thousand times. Convict him a hundred times. He cannot be put into a hundred prisons. There is only one of him. He will appeal. In the meantime, he either will be elected president or not. If he is, he will pardon himself, and the wheels will begin turning to lock up one Biden after another, starting with Michelangelo Van Gogh Crayola Biden and ending with The Big Guy. And if he loses, he will not be the only one sentenced. This entire country will be facing the death sentence.
I am with Trump, one hundred percent. I have “Nazi Radar” because I am a Jew who has no agenda, left or right, when it comes to antisemites. This man is a good man. G-d knows he could conduct himself in much more elegant ways, but he is a good man. He talks plain because real people talk plain, and he is real people. He refers to certain people as vermin because, by golly, they are. He wants to keep bad people from bad places out of our country.
Of course Trump won Iowa.
Yep. I believe that will happen.
I have supported President Trump since he rode down his elevator in Trump Tower and announced his bid for the presidency. He identified our problems and when elected dealt with them. He is a direct person and an autocratic leader. I admire that. Now it appears that he may have been correct about the conspiracies to eliminate him. Donald J. Trump is not a quitter and I admire that.
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