Sunday, January 21, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Cops stand in the hallway.


A grand jury has just been empaneled to look into possible criminality in the disgusting and unprofessional lack of response by the cops who responded (or maybe didn't respond) to the school shooting in Uvalde, TX.  

I confess I have some problems with this.  At what point does being bad at your job become criminal?  Maybe, when you get a badge and a gun, you are and should be held to a higher standard.  Who gets held to that standard?  Just the chiefs.  Just the indians.  Everybody?  Nobody?  

It is an interesting concept.  I will attempt to follow this one.


Gary said...

Agree, being incompetent and maybe a coward isn't criminal.

Anonymous said...

I'm ashamed of the officers who did not enter the school immediately. They knew kids were being killed because dispatch was talking to them as the shots were being fired. A border patrolman entered and did what needed to be done. He was off duty getting a haircut. The rest of the Chicken Shits who stood outside the building as students were being slaughtered need to be dealt with. I'm glad the Grand Jury has the case. My Justice be Served.

This was not incompetence. This was intentional Dereliction of Duty.