Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Susan Sarandon and her ilk are inciting war

Hollywood elites perpetuate conflict by effectively telling Palestinians terrorists that they understand the need to kill Jews.


By Ryan Jones 


Susan Sarandon speaks at pro-Palestinian rallyHollywood actress Susan Sarandon is again making excuses for Palestinian terrorism.


Hollywood nitwit Susan Sarandon opposes Israel’s war to protect itself from ever suffering another October 7 by destroying the terrorists who perpetrated the worst crime against the Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust.

“Don’t let anyone tell you it started on October 7,” Sarandon posted on Twitter/X along with a list of what she sees as past “massacres” carried out by Israel and the Jews against local Arabs.

The thing is, even if you still believe in a two-state solution and subscribe to Sarandon’s narrative that the lack of peace is all Israel’s fault, there’s still the problem of Hamas.

It is an indisputable fact that Hamas is a dangerous element that makes lasting coexistence, peace and prosperity impossible. It must be removed, for the sake of both Israelis and Palestinians.

If peace were truly the goal of people like Sarandon, they’d support the effort to eliminate Hamas as a terrorist threat, not make excuses for the group’s barbaric actions.

But peace isn’t goal, not really. At least, not a peace that includes Israel.

Sarandon is parroting the Palestinian line that heinous though they be, crimes like those carried out on October 7, 2023 are a “natural response” to the long list of alleged Israeli crimes.

With their silly remarks, Sarandon and others like her signal that they support “resistance” (read: war) against the “Zionist entity.”

With her irresponsible statements, Sarandon is encouraging violence and perpetuating conflict. She’s effectively telling Palestinians terrorists that “it’s OK, we understand why you are slaughtering Jews.”

If Israel were defeated and wiped from the map tomorrow, Sarandon almost certainly would not condemn the actions of those who perpetrated the crime, but would rather justify the outcome as a sad necessity.

It’s war these people want. War against the Jews and their state. And Israel isn’t about to sit back and not defend itself.


bob walsh said...

The woman is a worthless ambulatory turd.

Anonymous said...

Who listens to Susan Sarandon? She's been Loony Tunes for 30 years. She'll say anything to attract an audience. "Go Home Susan, eat your apple sauce and shut up."