Friday, November 22, 2024


By Bob Walsh



The God-Emperor of the formerly great state of California, Gavin (God I Want To Be President) Newsom, went off on a reporter yesterday.  The young lady asked him about the possible-probably significant increase in gas cost in CA soon due to an action by the (unelected) California Air Resources Board.  Gavin fired back that her premise was bullshit and that the cost increase of gas in CA was due to gouging by those evil, greedy bastards at the gasoline companies and not due to the fair, equitable and reasonable actions by CARB.  

It should be noted that the University of California has estimated that the new changes ordered by CARB will (maybe-probably) result in an increase in the cost of gas of not quite $1 per gallon.  CA already has the second highest gas cost in the country (second to Hawaii) and the highest gas taxes and administrative fees in the country.  

He wants real badly to run for president in 2028 and slay the Trump dragon.  Since CA has not finished counting the votes it is possible he doesn't realize his side lost. 

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