Thursday, February 14, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Gavin Newsome, new supreme leader of the formerly great state of California, is hoping that by completing a small portion of the Semi-High-Speed-Rail system, aka Jerry's Toy Train, but not most of it, he will be a hit to both sides and get to keep all the money.

Donald Trump, the guy with the wet, smelly shoes, disagrees. He wants the $3.5 biliion back the feds have already kicked in.

Since the state has 47 recent of current lawsuits filed against the Trump administration, and the A. G. is very proud of that fact by the way, I suspect it is likely that Trump will do more than ask for his money if push comes to shove.

1 comment:

Dave Freeman said...

How's that line go? Something about turnabout being fair play?