Monday, October 18, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Loudoun County, VA. has an interesting school board.  They are either grossly ignorant or a complete pack of liars, though they are one less than they were a few days ago following the resignation of a first-term board member.

Early this year the new liberal board forced thru a Transgender Bathroom policy that said basically the "children" could use any bathroom they were comfortable with.  A boy wearing a skirt entered a girl's bathroom in one of their schools and attacked a 14-year old girl.  She was forced to perform oral sex on him and she was raped and sodomized.  At a public meeting (where the girl's father was arrested for asking inconvenient questions) the authorities denied any such thing had ever occurred.

To make it even more interesting the boy was transferred to another school where he attacked another girl.  

I hope both victim's sue the living shit out of the board.  It would be nice if they manage to recall the arrogant bastards while they are at it. 

1 comment:

Dave Freeman said...

Recall? How about some serious prison time? They put innocent young girls at risk and two (that we know of) were raped as a foreseeable
(for those with a brain) consequence.