Friday, June 17, 2022


by Bob Walsh


Notorious liberal psychopath Nancy Skinner, CA assemblywoman from Berkeley, has proposed via SB-505 be gutted and amended to compel gun owners to carry liability insurance.  She made reference to the recently passed San Jose city ordinance, which takes effect July 25 and is currently the focus of legal action by Second Amendment supporters.  

Ms. Skinner asserts that the taxpayers of CA currently foot the bill for $280 billion per year in damages caused by "gun violence."  It was not clear which of her body orifices she pulled than number from.  She also babbled something about guns being the same as cars.  Funny but I don't remember any mention of a constitutional right to own and drive an automobile in the constitution, which is why driving is a PRIVILEGE and not a right and the government can place significant restrictions on it.

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