Monday, March 03, 2025


 By Howie Katz


Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert used to be best pals, but in 2023 they had a falling out with MTG calling Lauren a "little bitch." They've been at each other's throats since.

Lst year MTG and her boyfriend Brian Glenn celebrated her 50th birthday together in Costa Rica.. One of the pictures Brian took was of MTG in a bikini.


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shrugged off the 'bleach blonde bad-built butch body' insult her Democratic colleague Rep. Jasmine Crockett hurled with a 50th birthday bikini photo  

When MTG saw the picture she was quite pleased, telling Brian, "Not bad for a 50-year-old one."


Photo of Marjorie Taylor Greene

But when Lauren saw the picture, she said "Marjorie is a 50-year-old bitch trying to look like she's in her twenties. I'm going to show everyone what I look like in a bikini, and even though I'm 38, men will shit-can her picture when they see mine."


Colorado Representative, Lauren Boebert , shocked the world earlier this week after debuting a large stomach tattoo while enjoying a beach day


When MTG saw Lauren's bikini picture she was, for the first time, speechless.


Marjorie with long hair appears surprised or speaking emphatically, with another person blurred in the background

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MTG will never be speechless.