Sunday, November 20, 2016


Acevedo is also a BIG sanctuary city proponent

By Don Hooper

Big Jolly Politics
November 17, 2016

Mayor Sylvester Turner must really NOT want his pension legislation to succeed in Austin. While conservatives in Austin will be so glad to see Acevedo gone, his arrival here is a nightmare for every second amendment supporter in Houston.

Certainly the HPOU hall is abuzz with the news. There is no way that Ray Hunt and the HPOU leadership can be happy with this appointment.

Acevedo was docked five days’ pay for insubordination by Austin City Manager Marc Ott. The suspension was based on Acevedo’s public discussion of a controversial police shooting.

Big Jolly readers need to know that Acevedo is a BIG sanctuary city proponent.

“High-profile city police chiefs, including San Antonio’s Bill McManus and Austin’s Art Acevedo, have also said checking immigration status hinders policing strategies, sometimes by making members of communities with high numbers of undocumented immigrants less likely to report crimes.”

Art Acevedo is anti-gun. Acevedo testified against the campus carry bill and is an open critic to the open carry law.

“Now we’re going to create an environment where people are lawfully allowed to carry firearms on campus,” he said. “We’re potentially turning sexual assault victims – who we have a lot of resources to help these young people…through our victims services and so forth – into potentially murder victims.”

While I wholly disagreed with the Martha Montalvo selection as interim police chief, it is difficult to think of a worse pick than Acevedo. This makes the need for a well-qualified, conservative US Attorney for the Houston area even more important. Geez.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This appointment may be pay back for Austin hiring then Houston Chief Betsy Watson.

In 1990 Chief Brown left Houston to be the Police Commissioner for the New York Police Department. On January 20 of that year, Mayor Whitmire announced that Deputy Chief Elizabeth “Betsy” Watson as the new Chief of Police making her the first female to hold that position. Her most known accomplishment was dropping hiring standards for HPD.

Taken from Wikipedia:

Chief Watson established the Personal Concerns Program that gave attention to and provided action to employees demonstrating behavior problems. The Chief also requested and was approved by city council to abolish the deputy chief rank and replaced it with assistant chiefs to flatten the department’s hierarchy.

Since the Police Academy was closed for three years, this resulted in the loss of 600 positions, dropping the number below 4,000 personnel. Against the wishes of Chief Watson, the 60 College credit hour requirements were dropped.