Friday, February 03, 2017


by Bob Walsh

Milo Yiannopoulos is a professional shit-stirrer. No doubt about it. And the left absolutely HATES what he has to say. So, rather than engage him in an open exchange of ideas or oppose him in the arena of thought they attempt to shut him down by force. Often successfully.

He was supposed to make a presentation last night at UC Berkeley. The presentation was organized by the Berkeley College Republicans (all six of them) and was supposed to go on at 8 p.m. at the Pauley Ballroom. The university cancelled him at 6 p.m.

A mob of about 1,500 began acting out around the MLK student center. They threw smoke bombs, started fires, broke windows and in general engaged in typical left-wing behavior when something does not go their way or when somebody has an opposing viewpoint that they don't want presented.

Yianopoulos was also supposed to speak at UC Davis recently but was cancelled out over fear of violence.

President Trump has threatened (in a tweet) to withhold federal funds from UC over their refusal to allow Yianopoulos to speak.

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