Saturday, December 30, 2017


by Bob Walsh

Elk Grove is an upscale bedroom community south of Sacramento. It is basically a nice place. A while back a SnapChat video was posted with two white high school girls on it. One of the two was on a racist rant, asserting among other things, "Black people are trash. They need to die." At no time did the rant express any intent or desire to engage in personal violence against Black people, or attempt to incite violence against them.

At any rate the Elk Grove school district has kicked them out of school, citing the safety of the student body as the reason.

It is probably narrow minded and reactionary of me but I wonder if they would have done the same thing had the shoe been on the other foot. It is not illegal to be a racist. It may be stupid and narrow-minded, but if we refused to educate all stupid and narrow-minded people in the state there would be a lot of uneducated assholes out there, more than there are now anyway.

I wonder if there is a branch of La Raza or BLM active on campus? Just curious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good blog! I hope the members of the Elk Grove School Board read it.