Saturday, December 23, 2017


by Bob Walsh

The legislature of the formerly great state of California recently enacted a substantial tax increase on motor vehicle fuel and a very large increase in vehicle registration. Most of the general public didn't like it, but the legislature doesn't give a shit because they are a bunch of greedy bastards and think all the money in the state is, or at least should be, theirs to do with as they like. For our own good of course.

There are two ballot proposals aimed in this direction that have a serious chance of making it to the ballot and a serious chance of passing if they get there.

One of them would repeal the next taxes. The other would REQURE that any new fuel taxes be approved by the voters. In the past the voters have passed initiatives to prohibit the government from "diverting" (stealing) the gas taxes, meant for road improvements, for other pet projects. These laws, though passed, have been unsuccessful in stopping the practice as the legislature always finds a way to fiddle around it. This proposal, if successful, would cut the greedy bastards off at the pass by preventing them from raising the tax in the first place.

I don't know if it will work, but I sure as hell HOPE they are successful.

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