Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Texas Sheriff Seeks to Add Psychologist to Staff

By Dylan McGuinness

San Antonio Express-News
September 11, 2018

SAN ANTONIO -- In the wake of a string of arrests involving his deputies, Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar is looking to add a psychologist to his staff to screen future applicants and help officers manage stress.

Salazar, who spoke to Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff about the idea Sunday after three deputies were arrested over the weekend, asked county commissioners to fund the new position Monday.

“It’s going to allow us to remain proactive,” Salazar told reporters after the court hearing. “They’re going to help us keep people out of this profession that are not maybe cut out for this profession. They’ll be able to head off problems before they come problems.”

Eighteen deputies have been arrested this year, including three in the last week. Aida Santos, 28, was charged with assault of a family member early Sunday. Kailin Kruger, 26, was arrested Friday for alleged drunken driving, and jailer Ta-Vian Gloeckler was accused earlier last week of challenging an inmate to a fight and threatening him.

Salazar personally went to the magistrate’s office Sunday to inform Santos, who had recently moved to a part-time role, that she would be fired immediately. Gloeckler is on unpaid administrative leave and Kruger is on administrative duty pending investigations.

Commissioners voiced support for the psychologist proposal Monday. They are set to vote on the county budget, which now includes funding for the psychologist position, on Tuesday.

The psychologist would also be an adjunct instructor at the BCSO academy and could assist officers in SWAT situations or crisis negotiations, Salazar said.

“It is a multifaceted skill-set that we’re looking for,” Salazar said.

The position would cost the county up to $118,000 per year. Wolff said San Antonio police have three psychologists on staff.

Those psychologists conduct voluntary evaluations and counseling for police officers or their immediate family members, according to SAPD The chief can also request mandatory evaluations to determine whether an officer is fit for duty.

Wolff said the county has tried to address mental health in its court system and other agencies.

“The one thing that we never really address is, and this is what we’re starting today, is what about the mental health of our officers? ... We hope the changes that we’re fixing today are going to have an impact,” he said.

The overwhelming majority of deputies do their job as they are expected to, Salazar said.

“We are better than what’s being portrayed on TV,” he said.

The psychologist is one part of a broader plan to improve the agency, according to Salazar, who wants to launch a nationwide search for the position. He said this year’s budget proposal would also allow the BCSO to add detectives, maintain a full-time SWAT team, and hire civilian officers to alleviate deputies of low-security roles.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

I'm glad the Sheriff is being pro-active about the problems.