Monday, September 03, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Vanessa Marquez, 49, was at one time a fairly well known actress. She had a regular role in E.R. during it's early years on the tube, which ran from 1994 thru 2009. After that her career sort of laid an egg, though she did appear in one episode of Seinfeld, Malcolm and Eddie, and Melrose Place.

Cops and medical responded to her residence on Thursday when her landlord called, stating she needed medical help. She talked for some time to three cops and a mental health counselor who tried to talk her into getting some help. She had allegedly been having significant financial and mental health issues of late.

AT some point Marquez produced what appeared to be a semi-automatic pistol and pointed it at the cops. They shoot her. She died. The gun turned out to be a BB pistol. Fortunately there is body cam footage and good witnesses to the incident.

Damn shame, but when you point what looks like a real gun at the cops you have to reasonably expect that reaction, which is very likely what she was going for.

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