by Bob Walsh
What seems to be a grotty little domestic violence shooting turned into six dead in beautiful downtown Bakersfield, CA on Wednesday.
The shooter went to a trucking company office accompanied by his wife. He confronted a man at the business and then shot and killed that man. He then immediately thereafter shot and killed his wife. A third man at the scene was pursued and shot to death also.
The shooter then went to a nearby residence and shot and killed two men at that location. He then carjacked a woman and small child and stole their vehicle and fled. When the car was stopped by the local constabulary the shooter self-rehabilitated.
The wife was actually the ex-wife. She had recently filed for more spousal support and wanted to go after a better property settlement. I guess the ex-hubbie didn't want to do that.
Some men have a low tolerance level. Ex-wives have been known to set them off.
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