Friday, October 05, 2018


Democrats and Dr. Ford’s lawyers are screaming that the short FBI investigation of Kavanaugh is a sham

The FBI investigation of Kavanaugh began on Friday and was completed on Wednesday. The FBI contacted nine witnesses but interviewed only eight. Neither Dr. Ford nor Kavanaugh were interviewed. Reports say the FBI found no corroborating evidence that Kavanaugh attempted to rape Ford.

The Democrats and Ford’s lawyers are screaming that the short investigation is a sham. Ford’s lawyers said, “the ‘investigation’ conducted over the past five days is a stain on the process, on the FBI and on our American ideal of justice.”

I’ve got news for the Democrats and Ford’s activist lawyers. A background investigation is not a criminal investigation! A criminal investigation would by necessity involve a very extensive search for and interviewing of witness in order to solve the case and bring the perpetrator to justice.

The Kavanaugh investigation was not a criminal investigation. It was a supplemental background check by the FBI to determine if there was any substance to the accusation that he attempted to rape Ford.

The Washington Post reports that fence sitters Susan Collins and Fickle Flake believe the FBI investigation was adequate. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin remains undecided. If Collins and Flake vote to confirm Kavanaugh, Lisa Murkowski’s vote won’t matter.

But Kavenaugh cannot afford to lose another Republican vote and Republican Senator Steve Daines has announced he will be at his daughter’s wedding in Montana on Saturday when the final confirmation vote will take place. If his vote turns out to be the deciding vote, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell will have to keep Saturday’s session going into Sunday so that Daines can return to cast his vote.

Here’s hoping the howling mobs protesting at the Capitol and the Supreme Court won’t sway Collins and Flake to vote nay. Remember that Flake demanded the supplemental investigation after he was confronted by some screaming #meetooers in a Senate elevator.

The FBI did its job. Now if Trump will only keep his big mouth shut, then maybe, just maybe Kavanaugh might yet be confirmed as a Justice of the Supreme Court.


bob walsh said...

The only thing that would have pleased those asswipes is if the FBI recommended that Judge Kavanaugh and his family (including pets)should all be summarily executed and the family home burned to the ground.

BarkGrowlBite said...

For Christ's sake, Bob, don't give them any ideas!