Thursday, October 04, 2018


During a Tuesday campaign rally, Trump mocked Christine Ford

During a Tuesday evening campaign rally in Mississippi, Trump mocked Christine Ford. Trump said:

How did you get home? "I don't remember." How did you get there? "I don't remember." Where is the place? "I don't remember." How many years ago was it? "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.." .What neighborhood was it in? "I don't know." Where's the house? "I don't know.” Upstairs. Downstairs? “I don't know. But I had one beer! That's the only thing I remember.”

Trump was immediately blasted for mocking poor sexual assault victim Christine Ford. Fence sitting Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowsi were disappointed in Trump’s mockery. Collins said: “the president’s comments were just plain wrong.” Murkowsi said ‘The president's comments yesterday mocking Dr. Ford were wholly inappropriate and in my view, unacceptable.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Trump by saying:

“The president was stating the facts and frankly facts that were included in special prosecutor Rachel Mitchell's report, he was stating facts that were given during Dr. Ford’s testimony. Every single word Judge Kavanaugh has said has been picked apart, every single word, second by second of his testimony has been picked apart but if anyone says anything about the accusations that have been thrown against them, that’s completely off-limits and outrageous. This entire process has been a disgrace.”

Arizona’s lame duck Senator Fickle Flake said:

“There’s no time and no place for remarks like that. To discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right. It's just not right. I wish he hadn’t have done it. I’ll just say, it’s kind of appalling.”

Horseshit! Fickle Flake was just looking for a good excuse to vote nay on the Kavanaugh nomination and Trump just gave it to him.

While he got the rally crowd all riled up, it looks as though Trump may have inadvertently hammered the final nail into Kavanaugh’s coffin. He just can’t keep his big mouth shut.


Trey Rusk said...

Flake is going to run for President.

Dave Freeman said...

As a democrat.