Sunday, October 07, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Even if Donald Trump does not do Jack the next two years as far as I am concerned he has had a successful first term. Great economy and TWO supreme court justices who have both actually read the constitution and understand what it fucking means. Plus he got to hell DiFi and Pelosi to go fuck themselves, politely of course.

Hell, one more justice and the Republic just might survive this century. Ruth, you want to retire?


Trey Rusk said...


Dave Freeman said...

Fully agree. Those who obsess over his faults can do so all day long. Sure he's unpolished. Even a bit crude at times. So what? I'll take that over the smarmy self righteous, manipulative, lying swamp dwellers any old day. Call him a jerk if you will Howie. He may have saved this country's (or at least delayed) descent into socialism. That makes him a hero in my book.