Saturday, March 30, 2019


I Think He Probably is

by Bob Walsh

Donald Trump announced yesterday that, if the Mexican government does not act to shut down illegal immigration from their end he will shut the border down (not saying exactly what he means by that).

I personally think he means it. It is hard to say if he intends to shut down all traffic at border crossings, only personal traffic, traffic going INTO Mexico as well, or what. That being said I strongly suspect that he will do SOMETHING fairly massive and demonstrative.

Mexico, predictably, announced that they do not react well to threats. No problem. I don't think Trump is threatening. I think he is warning. And I think he will carry it out.

Furthermore, I think he SHOULD do so. We are being SWAMPED with illegal border jumpers. Our system can not cope any more. Fuck them all, shut it down.


Dave Freeman said...

Shut it down.

bob walsh said...

He has now said he WILL do it, not that he might. I guess he is really irritated by that caravan of undocumented democrats heading north right now.