Sunday, June 23, 2019


by Bob Walsh

On Saturday afternoon President Trump announced a two-week delay in the much-touted move by ICE to round up and deport aliens who already had deportation orders on file. He says it is because he is giving congress one last chance to get their collective shit together and do something about the border specifically and our demented immigration policy and ineffective immigration law in general.

Is that the truth? I don't know, but I suspect maybe it is.

Will it work? Depends on what you believe the question means. Will it result in the congress getting their shit together? NO, IMHO it won't. Will it mean that Trump can point and say, "See, I tried one last time to do it the easy way, but these fools just could not do it." I think maybe it will. I suspect Trump is playing a bit at brinkmanship, and seeing if it will work for him. I hope it does. Whichever way you define working.

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