Wednesday, July 31, 2019


by Bob Walsh

The governor of the formerly great state of California, Gavin Newsom, has signed into law a clearly unconstitutional bill which would, if upheld, force ANYBODY (including Donald Trump) who wants to get his name on the California primary presidential ballot to cough up his tax returns.

Since there is no such requirement in FEDERAL law or in the U. S. Constitution it can not be enforced by a state against federal office holders or potential federal office holders.

The state of California is basically collectively jacking off in hopes of accomplishing something that they think will be significant. Since Trump isn't going to win in CA he could tell them to fuck off, but I am hoping he will sue the dog shit out of them, and collect damages and attorney's fees in the process.

I think even Ruth Ginsberg would have a problem with saying this is constitutional, but she is crazy and senile, so you never know.

1 comment:

Dave Freeman said...

And these assholes call TRUMP supporters fascists.

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