Tuesday, October 15, 2019


by Bob Walsh

This evening at 8 pm.m Eastern time will be the next liberal whacko extravaganza with a well-packed clown car of Democrat-Socialist candidates all on stage at the same time for a pseudo-debate. Each of these participants must have garnered at least 2% in an average of several recognized polls and picked up at least 130,000 unique donors.

Joe Biden, 76, AKA The Hair Sniffer, is still the front runner, at least statistically. He was Barry's V.P for two terms and served in the Senate from Delaware for about a million years.

Cory Booker, AKA Spartacus, is a youngster at 50. He was the mayor of Buttcrack, New Jersey, for seven years before becoming the firsts Black senator from New Jersey.

Pete Buttigieg, a baby at 37, is in his second term as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He was an intelligence officer in the Navy Reserve and is openly gay. He also likes Norwegian poetry.

Julian Castro, 45, was mayor of San Antonio, Texas and was the HUD secretary under Barack the Magnificent.

Tulsi Gabbard, a relative youngster at 38, is a congressional representative from Hawaii. She is a Samoan and a Hindu as well as a complete moron.

Kamala Harris, 54, is the junior senator from the formerly great state of California. She got into politics in California the old-fashioned way, by fucking Willie Brown for a political appointment job. She was formerly the District Attorney of San Francisco and the Attorney General of California and is a staunch opponent of the death penalty. When elected to the A. G. job she made no secret of the feelings but promised to uphold the law in California. There were, of course, no executions in CA during her tenure. She was the darling of the media when she announced, but has gotten zero traction, is polling about 7% in her own state and even Diane Feinstein, the senior senator from California, refused to endorse her.

Amy Klobuchar, 59, is the first female senator from Minnesota and had been the county attorney from Hennepin County before that.. That is pretty much all of her CV.

Robert Francis O'Rourke, 47, from Texas. He is a white guy who masquerades as a Hispanic named Beto. He lost to Ted Cruz in a shot at the U. S. Senate. He was hot shit until Mayor Pete came along. He rides a skateboard, wears a hoodie and is an idiot.

Bernie Sanders, 78, Socialist from New Hampshire. He is a millionaire with three homes who has never had a private sector job in his life and wants to tax the dogshit out of rich people to give all their money away to ex-felons and illegal aliens. Fortunately, with his recent medical history, he is toast. Plus Pocahontas Warren is stealing all his thunder, even is she is crazier than he is. Democrats don't care.

Tom Steyer, 62, is a billionaire who hates Donald Trump and wants to impeach him immediately. That's about it.

Pocahontas Warren, AKA Elizabeth, 70, is a Senator from Massachusetts. She masqueraded as an American Indian for all of her adult life when in fact she is about as White as a can of Crisco. She wants to confiscate wealth from those who have it (unconstitutional under current U. S. law) and give it to people who don't have it in order to buy their votes to keep her in power. She is a hard-core liberal psychopath pretending to be a liberal progressive and is running a solid second well behind Joe Bite-Me. If Joe goes down in flames with his current possible corruption problems she might actually have a shot at the nomination.

Andrew Yang, 44, is a techie who is afraid of automation.

This pseudo-debate will be at Oberlin College in Ohio and will be moderated by Anderson Cooper of the Clinton News Network, Erin Burnett, also of CNN, and Marc Lacy of the New York Times, a major part of the Democrat-Socialist propaganda machine.

I think there is a good rerun of Gilligan's Island in the same time slot, so..........


Dave Freeman said...

Aw, Bob. Where's your sense of humor? Personally, I wouldn't miss this for anything. And Howie...maybe you can pick out your favorite from among this group. Because after all, refusing to vote for our current POTUS, is, in actuality, a vote for one of them.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Dave, you seem to be getting your jollies by jacking with me.

Dave Freeman said...

I call em as I see em Howie. And that's how I see it.

bob walsh said...

Various national polling is saying that, while most people still thing Joe is the best bet to beat Trump, Pocahontas is moving up strongly in the polls.

Trey Rusk said...

Good point and give him Hell, Dave! I remember my Dad telling me how important it was to vote. Some people don't get it. Back them in the 60's he called them no good dope smoking Hippies! Now I guess we call them lazy Millennials.