Saturday, October 12, 2019


by Bob Walsh

The "whistleblower" (apparently actually a pretty hardcore democrat activist) is now, thru his/her/its lawyers, trying to set up a deal where he/she/it can "testify" before congress indirectly, via written responses to written questions. Since the Democrat-Socialists who run half of the U. S. congress are not actually interested in either truth or justice but are in fact merely interested in throwing as much muck in the direction of Donald Trump as possible it is within the realm of possibility that the House will make some sort of attempt to make this possible. After all, the Democrat-Socialists changed the rules on what a "whistleblower" is, based on covert advanced information on this situation, in order to make a second or third hand informant able to assert "whistleblower" status with some modicum of legal cover.

It is clear the House of Representatives is turning itself into some sort of half-assed star chamber where unknown witnesses with dubious actual knowledge of the facts is able to shovel shit with impunity and without the ability of the accused to question or challenge "testimony."

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