Sunday, October 13, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Anti-gun psychopath Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that greatly expands the number of people who can apply for a temporary court order to seize a person's firearms "temporarily" without judicial review until after the seizure.

This list now includes co-workers and school teachers as well as the prior listed family members and law enforcement officers.

So, if little Johnnie does his presentation at show-and-tell and mentions the trip to grandpa's farm where you helped with a little squirrel and rabbit control with your 22 rifle and little Johnnie's teacher is a hard core anti-gun PETA activist, you can be pretty well fucked. They take your guns away and then let you talk to a judge later about why this action is bullshit. Your get-back under the law against questionable complainants is very thin.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

I read where the ACLU is fighting this no due process law. I would move if I could.

That being said, it sure is easy to give unsolicited advice.