by Bob Walsh
The Northern Illinois Academy is a residential psychiatric treatment facility. It houses patients between the ages of 6 and 21. These patients have autism, mood disorders, developmental delays and other assorted psychiatric disorders.
Last April they went on a field trip to a public library. (They don't have their own library?) While on this trip Cody Pomrenke, 18, a resident patient of the facility lured another residential patient, a 13-year old female, into the men's bathroom and sexually assaulted her. The staff were aware that Pomrenke had taken an inappropriate interest in the girl and seemed to be 'grooming" her for sexual contact. They had directed him to stay away from the girl, but nevertheless took the two of them together on a field trip and clearly did not exercise adequate oversight.
The young girl's father is royally pissed. I expect he will sue. I don't blame him.
Several years ago a man in North Texas was caught sexually assaulting a young girl by her father. The father beat the man to death. He was no-billed by the local grand jury who felt the rapist needed killing.
There are some places where "He just needed killing" is still believed in. With good reason.
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