Friday, October 18, 2019


Yes No Maybe Kinda-Sorta

by Bob Walsh

Boris Johnson, P.M. of the United Kingdom and major Brexit proponent, announced yesterday that he has reached an accord with the E. U. to permit a more or less smooth exit of the U. K. from the E. U. on Halloween.

However.....the deal has to be approved by Parliament. By this Saturday. Or.......

The result would be another stall, or an no-deal Brexit, which everybody agrees would be an ungood thing.

Parliament has not held a Saturday session since the Falkland War. A nose count indicates that Boris will fall short by about five votes. You can bet that there is some major horse trading and arm twisting going on. A relatively small (ten seats) Irish labor party has announced that they are opposed to this particular deal, though in general they have been supportive of Brexit. It is hard to say if they are trying to get some freebies or if they really have a beef with the deal.

I wonder what John Oliver will say about it this coming Sunday on HBO. I will have to check it out.

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