Saturday, December 07, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Back in April two 17-year old boys went into a canal in Dixon, CA in an effort to save a dog. The irrigation canals in this area are fairly steep, fairly deep and lined with concrete so getting in is easy, getting out not so much.

They came downstream to where a footbridge crossed the canal and grabbed hold of the bridge or possibly a pipe adjacent to it. Unfortunately some grossly defective and badly maintained wiring was in the immediate area and the bridge was "hot." Both boys were electrocuted.

The Solano Irrigation District has agreed to pay $7 to the families of each of the boys. They have in addition agreed to an increasingly aggressive maintenance program in an effort to prevent the tragedy from happening again.

The district has an annual operating budget of not quite $10 million and supplies domestic water to about 1,200 customers and farm irrigation water to about 3,000 more. It also sells water to four other irrigation districts and operates the Monticello Dam, which generates electrical power.


Trey Rusk said...

Only $7?

Dave Freeman said...

Did the dog survive?

bob walsh said...

That should read $7 MILLION. Don't know how I missed it. My bad.

bob walsh said...

You know, I have tried to find out about the dog. No info one way or the other. My GUESS is no, but that is only a guess.