Tuesday, December 03, 2019


by Bob Walsh

A really interesting assault with a weapon took place on a peace officer on the other side of the pond recently. Really interesting.

Kirsty Bearfield, 24, was a pissed off mother in East Yorkshire. She happened to be at the Hull Royal Infirmary to get medical treatment for the older of her two rugrats when she was informed by a social worker that her children were going to be allowed to spend the night with their biological father.

Bearfield stood up, took the infant she had been holding on her lap and threw the baby (30 pounds) at a nearby female D.C. with enough force that the detective constable was significantly injured. The female officer managed to catch the child but ended up with nerve damage in her back that required surgery.

Bearfield has four priors for assault, but none of them appear to have used a baby as a weapon. The officer has a significant long-term disability which may be permanent.

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