Saturday, December 21, 2019


by Bob Walsh

It is a legitimate question. If you believe that impeachment is a PROCESS rather than a VOTE there is reason to believe that President Trump has NOT been impeached until the Bill of Impeachment is forwarded to the Senate for it's consideration. It has never really been an issue before. It maybe kinda sorta is now.

Clearly the bill will not be sent to the Senate now before the first week of January. Congress is in recess. Pelosi is maybe going to stall until the Senate tells her what their structure is going to be. They are under no obligation to do so until the bill is presented to them. Mitch McConnell can legitimately say "IMPEACHMENT, WHAT IMPEACHMENT ?" I suspect he is not inclined to even appear that he is kissing Nancy Pelosi's ass.

Trump says he wants his "day in court" ASAP. Does he really? It is a good bet that the House would like to get some more of "their" witnesses in, but does not particularly want any of the Republican witnesses in. Clearly they can not control what happens in the Senate.

The talking heads are speculating that the senate could just open the hearing, say "THIS IS BULLSHIT" and drop it in the shredder right from the gate.

Politics is fun. Often stupid and irritating, but fun to watch.

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