Saturday, June 27, 2020


by Bob Walsh

The House of Representatives passed a bill yesterday that would grant statehood to the District of Columbia, which they would name after Frederick Douglas.  There is zero chance the Senate will approve and even if they did it would have no effect as the constitution specifies that the Federal District is NOT a state.  They didn't get the right to vote in presidential elections until the 1960s.

Another waste of time feel-good bill that the base will love but means nothing.

If I remember correctly (and I think I do) when Texas came into the union the act of congress that accomplished that specifically allows Texas to split itself into as many as five separate states with no further approval from Congress.  Might be a good way to get a few more semi-conservative members of the senate.  Just an idea there Howie.

EDITOR'S NOTE: It just goes to show that BLM is taking over the country.


Trey Rusk said...

Texas needs to split into North Texas, South Texas, East Texas, West Texas and Central Texas now. Giving Texas 8 Senate seats and a bigger share of the Electoral. Don't think this idea isn't being tossed around.

Anonymous said...

Wishful..and stupid..thinking..