Saturday, June 27, 2020


by Bob Walsh

For the first time in 40 years there are no upper level vacancies on the federal bench.  Donald Trump has now appointed 200 federal judges at all levels of the federal judiciary.  Pretty much all of them have read the Constitution at least once and most of them actually believe it means something.  More than you would have been able to say for Hillary and more than you will be able to say for Senile Joe. 


Trey Rusk said...

President Trump is making America great. Have you seen the FBI wanted posters for the statue desecrators? These criminals are going down. Hillary is going to testify under oath in September. Of course the fake news doesn't speak of these things along with Never-Trumpers.

bob walsh said...

I do believe that the FBI and DHS are working diligently to identify these criminals and prosecute them. Nice thing about it is many are happy to help with their social media posts. Also, you don't have to get them all, just enough to discourage the other assholes, many of whom are limousine liberals or white female college grads who want to be "cool" but definitely don't want to bunk up with Large Marge for a couple of years eating cold oatmeal, baloney sandwiches and SOS with no Chablis and even no Starbucks. They will crumble in 15 seconds when the C/O tells them to squat and cough.